Existing Exporters Only: TTMA seeks your urgent feedback

Existing Exporters Only: TTMA seeks your urgent feedback

The Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) requests for your feedback on proposals on CET rates and the Rules of Origin drafted by consultants procured by the CARICOM Secretariat. It is reported the rationale for these proposals is to address the deficiencies identified and overall advance regional integration and free circulation of goods within the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). Further, the proposals are to encourage industrial development and the emergence of production structures that are more responsive to changing global and regional market conditions.

As such ,TTMA is requesting you report or indicate any suggested changes to the current Common External Tariff (CET) rates and Rules of Origin for your products.
Therefore, we are asking the following questions:
– Do you propose any changes to the CET Rate on any of the products produced by your company?
– If yes, please state the changes (for example, do you want to increase the CET on your products?)
– Do you propose any changes to the current Rules of Origin for your products?
– If yes, please state the changes.

Please note that when companies respond to these questions, TTMA will advise on the proposed recommendation from the consultant’s study ( there was a study from CARICOM Secretariat reviewing and recommending proposals) and therefore will ask the member thereafter if they are in agreement with the
-(1) consultant’s proposals, or
-(2) with current CET rates and Rules of Origin or the
-(3) member’s own suggested recommendations

Please note that any new recommendations must be supported by a rationale or justification for these proposed changes. Furthermore, see links to consultant’s proposals for your information (CARICOM ROOs and CET_Proposed).  Also see presentation by Mr. Brian Benjamin , exporTT, on Understating the CARICOM CET and Rules of Origin.

All comments/feedback must be sent to Mr. Ismahieel Ali or Ms. Joy Francis (tradeassist@ttma.com/tradedesk@ttma.com ) by February 5th 2021

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