Training Unit answering the call!

Training Unit answering the call!

March 2020 to now has been a rough period for all exporters.  In times like these the saying “Innovate or Die” rings through in our daily operations as the rapid outbreak of COVID-19 has caused so many of us to think outside the box in meeting the needs of our clients as well as functioning on a local / internal level. While there is much negativity around the pandemic, there are also many opportunities that lie waiting to be realized and captured by ones who dare to see the stars amidst the proverbial bars of social distancing that have separated us as social beings. 

The Training unit like many other businesses was pushed to move its offering 100% online to ensure that exporters had access to the content that was necessary to equip their human resources. This change came not only in delivery but also in terms of offering, as appropriate topics were selected for the situation at hand. Workshops executed thus far were:

We are currently tendering for experts to facilitate the programmes: Designed to Sell – Developing Your Website for Export and Proposal Writing for Grant Funding and RFP’s. Until then, we invite you to register for the upcoming Digital Marketing Blueprint – Effective Export Strategies for Manufacturers in a Post-COVID-19 Era.

As we move into 20/21, exporTT’s Training unit stands ready to support exporters in building their international competitiveness. Together we will navigate through this unprecedented situation. Life as we know it will never be the same post COVID 19. So let’s us take this time now to build better, stronger versions of ourselves and relationships so that we can fearlessly face the future.

Bringing down the curtains on Fiscal 19/20 would see the following proposed Training Initiatives executed by September:

  1. Executing a 30 Minute Virtual Sales Pitch
  2. Risk Assessment Training for Food & Beverage Manufacturing Sector
  3. Safe Food for Canada




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