Laundry Care in Chile

Laundry Care in Chile

Alternative detergents gain share

The growth of laundry care has led to the development of new detergents known as alternative detergents offered by start-ups and local agents. These products have been available for several years, although consumer confidence in them has increased over time. Many of these alternatives are beginning to follow the legal requirements in terms of health and sanitation, thus increasing consumer confidence when purchasing them.

The price difference between alternative detergents and the leading branded products can be significant, with products often offered in large packaging sizes of over 5 litres. These alternative detergents are positioned as a convenient choice for consumers, and are only present in traditional channels, which is unusual for laundry care.


Alternative detergents are likely to continue to play an important role in laundry care during the forecast period.

Standard powder detergents loses ground to liquid detergents

Standard powder detergents, traditionally the largest category within laundry care, continued its retail value decline in 2018, with the presence of new added-value products with new formulas and ingredients such as liquid detergents offering convenient and attractive alternatives. The liquid format is becoming attractive to Chilean users with a wide variety of products and efficient distribution in traditional channels, which allows consumers to easily switch to liquid formats. This trend is set to continue over the forecast period.

Technology is already playing a role in households.

A significant proportion of Chileans have access to an automatic washing machine, moreover, the penetration rate is the highest in the region. Chile is certainly receptive to new technological formats, with the highly competitive environment enabling consumers to choose the most convenient products for their household. Consumers regard these purchases as an investment, which encourages them to upgrade their choices in order to enjoy high levels of efficiency, whilst the attractive price ranges encourage regular upgrades.

Look out for more from this exciting market!

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