Capacity Building & Funding
In order to fulfil our mandate of increasing exports of Trinidad and Tobago, a critical function of exporTT is to build the export capacity of companies and would be exporters, enabling them to meet international standards thereby facilitating their access to foreign markets. This unit focuses on ensuring that companies have export ready products and services to enter international markets and the production processes to support export growth. Our export capacity building activities include a comprehensive range of exporter training programmes, international standards certification programmes and co-financing of export related costs.
This Service assists companies with market-entry activities. This allows companies to allocate more resources to a foreign market, helping them to mitigate risks they may be exposed to in a new export market and increase the level of control a company has on its foreign activities. Areas covered include:
- Product Registration in Overseas Markets.
- Intellectual Property Registration in Overseas Markets.
- Shipping of Samples.
- Translation and Interpretation of Export Related Documents.
- In-Market Promotion.
- Labelling, Product and Packaging Modification & Product Testing
- Enabling e-commerce functionality.
Research and Development Facility (RDF)
The Research and Development Facility (RDF) is a reimbursable fund that aims to provide support to innovative and high-potential companies in the non-energy manufacturing and services sectors. Its aim is to support the development of new and advancing products, processes and technologies in order to increase international competitiveness in these sectors.
The Grant Fund Facility assists with the purchase of machinery and equipment by export oriented/import substituting, small and medium-sized businesses. In this way, businesses including but not limited to agro-processing and manufacturing, can increase their production capacity or improve their production efficiency, thereby making them more competitive in export markets.
exporTT provides business support as well funding for technical assistance to all exporters seeking to implement international standards that are required for their products or services entry into export markets. These standards may be process related, or product specific for various international markets. These include, but are not limited to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Hazard and Hazards and Critical Control Points Management (HACCP), and Compliance with the US Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
View more on International Standards Implementation here.
- Presentation – Trinidad July 2013
- Presentation-Proposed-Rules
- Handbook – Good Practices in Foreign Trade
- Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) – Inspections
- Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) – Legislation
- Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) – Imports
- Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) – FAQ2
- Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) – FAQ
- Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) – Background
- FDA Capacity Building Food Safety Plan
The Tobago Office is a microcosm of exporTT Limited; under the ambit of the Capacity Building Unit Manager and operated by two resident Business Advisors. The Advisors coordinate activities to provide customers with the tools and techniques to develop the competitive edge to increase Sales and Export Development.
Export Development
In order to take the local businesses further, the office embarked on an Export Readiness Assessment to ascertain gaps, challenges and provide solutions. This is done through a suite of Export Development Training Programmes.
Areas of Capacity Building covered, include but are not limited to:
- Business Development
- Export Basics
- Marketing Strategy including Export Marketing
- Brand Management and Your Reputation
- Fundamentals of Intellectual Property
- Costing and Pricing
- Product Development,
- Negotiating skills
- Export Market Research
- Understanding Harmonization System Codes, Rules and Certificates of Origin, Brokerage and shipping requirements.
- Packaging and labelling,
- Good Manufacturing Practices.
A Strategic Alliance was created through a Memorandum of Understanding between the Business Development Unit of the Tobago House of Assembly and the Tobago Office of exporTT.
- The strategic intent is for consolidation of resources of the both organizations and creation of opportunities in the market place for the Tobago Entrepreneur/ Exporter in a cost effective and profitable manner.
- The exporTT Tobago Office has since been relocated to #10 Montessori Drive, Glen Road, and Scarborough Tobago (Division of Community Development Enterprise Development and Labour)
- We seek to collaborate with the BDU on Public Training Initiatives, their Road shows, overseas missions etc.
- Through the Tobago Office we continue to facilitate the Tobago population by accommodating the MTI – Trade Licence Unit on Tuesdays to provide support on matters of Trade and importation.
Mr. Crisen Maharaj
Manager Capacity Building and FundingRoann David
Business Advisor - Export PromotionsBetty-Ann Narine
Business Advisor - Compliance

Showcase of Tobago Success Stories:
At the end of the Program in November 2019 and following the economic impact created by the companies from the cohort in terms of their business growth and repeat business requests – The Top 5 Companies emerged:
- Chensaya’s
- Teabago Teas
- Osanie
- Anthea’s Treasure Trove
- J Mac Industries