Category: Export Booster Initiative

EBI: exporTT Moves Ahead with Virtual Trade Missions
exporTT continues driving toward its main destination of export growth. Using the Export Booster Initiative as its vehicle of choice to get there, the final stop on the road-map is export growth. With two Virtual Trade Missions (VTMs) to Guyana and Jamaican in progress, exporTT aims to create an “A” class B2B experience by hurdling any limitations created by travel restrictions and lock-downs.
These VTMs connect T&T manufacturers and service providers with buyers in markets of interest. This is actively being done under the stewardship of exporTT’s trade professionals and consultants who will guide the process for best possible results i.e. containers leaving our shores! The sectors of focus for these trade missions are Food & Beverage, Printing & Packaging, Household Cleaning Chemicals, Personal Care Products, Construction and ICT.
With the Jamaica Virtual Trade Mission (VTM) in full swing, the project is led by exporTT’s Manager, Export Promotions – Betty Ann Noreiga-Mollineau, Senior Export Officer – Nathali Richards and Export Officer – Shamilla Khan. Nineteen T&T (19) exporters have been screened and shortlisted with the aim of creating linkages where the best trade opportunities that exist across the various business sectors.
The VTM project partner, NexConnex has been instrumental in negotiating the approximately one hundred (100) virtual B2B meetings set up with the goal of attaining new business for our exporters.
The Guyana Virtual Trade Mission will officially commence with business to business (B2B) meetings on August 11th. As the Guyanese markets begin to grow and show promise, thirty (30) exporters comprising manufacturers and service providers have been screened and are ready to do business with our mainland neighbour. With the joint support, effort and planning of project partner Ascension Business Services and The Master Class Institute, one hundred and twenty(120) successful virtual B2B meetings are being anticipated.
Quality control and client preparation will be the hallmark of all meetings scheduled to be conducted during the upcoming weeks. Onboarding of the participating companies through orientation meetings have been conducted to ensure professional delivery, presentation, timeliness and exporter support systems are set up and in place.
Guyana’s VTM is led by the Export Promotions team of Manager – Betty Ann Noriega-Mollineau, Export Officer – Roann David and Services Export Officer – Patti Mohan-Thompson.
- Contact: Communications Officer, Jamal Martin
- Email: jmartin@exportt.co.tt