Atlanta Market Survey Update 1

Atlanta Market Survey Update 1

2020 has been quite the year so far but the work of exporTT continues.

For our ongoing Atlanta Market Research Survey, we intended to travel to Atlanta, Georgia and hold meetings one on one with buyers, private agencies, state agencies to determine the potential of Trinidad and Tobago manufactured non-energy products in the market but alas COVID-19 put a stop to staff travel plans.

Nevertheless we are determined to bring pertinent and valuable information back to our exporters as we seek to support their push into regional and extra-regional markets. If the information gathered bodes well for success in the market, it is exporTT’s intention to follow up this survey with a Virtual Trade Mission in which we will match exporters with potential buyers.

With this in mind, in late April this year we retained the services of NexconneX Ltd, an experienced consultant located in market. They have been working assiduously from then to present to achieve the project’s objectives, which are as follows:

Why Atlanta?
  • The population of the Atlanta metropolitan area reached 5.9 million in 2018, up by 1.3% from 5.8 million in 2017. The city has a highly diversified population with an ethnic composition consisting of Whites, Hispanics, Asians and Africans.
  • This metropolitan area has one of the fastest growing economies in the US, accounting for 2.0% of the country’s total GDP in 2018.
  • The city is well connected, both internally and externally, with other US cities via railway, expressway and highway network.
  • The retail trade sector had a strong showing in 2019 and is one of the key industries of the Atlanta metropolitan area, contributing roughly 5.4% to the area’s total GDP in 2017.
  • In exporTT’s Market of Interest Survey conducted in September 2019 we saw that the United States ranked #2 among all 105 respondents and is therefore high on our exporters’ agenda.
Atlanta Market Survey Update 2


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