Launch of Competitiveness Project

Launch of Competitiveness Project

These are exciting times as we conclude the joint launch of exporTT’s Export #Competitiveness Project with #Caribbean Export Development Agency’s (Caribbean Export) SME Diagnostic Assessment Tool. This activity is a collaboration of the three power houses, including the European Union in Trinidad and Tobago, who plan to change the export trajectory of Trinidad and Tobago!

On head table, exporTT CEO Dietrich Guichard, Permanent Secretary Norris Herbert, exporTT Director Renuka Sagramsingh-Sooklal, Executive Director, Caribbean Export Development Agency Pamela Coke-Hamilton

Manager Capacity Building, Crisen Maharaj alongside representatative of the Caribbean Export Development Agency, Damie Sinanan, Senior Advisor, Competitiveness and Export Promotion (pictured below left) took time to outline the course of the year long exercise of company focused activities. While demonstrating the tools functionality and usage, Mr. Sinanan explains that companies chosen from Trinidad and Tobago‘s top 150 manufacturers and services providers, are part of the first cohort to utilise this scientific, web-based, standardised tool, which assesses #management #production #finance and #marketing.

This year long interaction between select local companies, the staff of exporTT and Caribbean Export Development Agency is expected to see a shift in the efficiency and effectiveness in application or management of the four key pillars listed above. As stated by the programme chairperson, Mandisa Granderson, this process does not end after the year of implementation concludes but sees exporters through to execution and monitoring and evaluation of successes and failures. The typical exporTT client management process continues where, should there be gaps revealed in the process, we will advise and facilitate solutions based activity.

Currently, the exporTT team is engaged in a crash course to understanding the complexities and utility of the Diagnostic Assessment tool in order to coach companies in the Export Competitiveness Project on implementation.

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