exporTT leading delegation to FIHAV 2017!


exporTT Limited is pleased to recognise EXIMBANK (Export-Import Bank of Trinidad and Tobago) our Bronze sponsor of Trinidad & Tobago’s (T&T) participation at the Havana International Fair (FIHAV) 2017. We acknowledge your commitment to the facilitation of International Market Access. #FIHAV2017#MakeItHappen


The Export-Import bank of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd (EXIMBANK) emerged out of what was formerly the Export Credit insurance Company limited (EXCICO) which was established in 1973 by the Government of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.  EXCICO was converted to Eximbank in 1977 to meet the export needs of the domestic economy and expand trade of the SMEs operating in the non-hydrocarbon sector.

It’s mission is to provide a wide range of attractive and effective trade finance products to the export sector that will satisfy market needs, facilitate regional penetration and expansion and at the same time position its clients to take advantage of global opportunities.

The Eximbank would vigorously pursue its mission to facilitate the growth and expansion of the non-energy export and manufacturing sectors in order to enhance the foreign exchange earnings of Trinidad and Tobago and to create and sustain employment through the provision of Trade Finance Services to the exporting community for regional and international trade.

The organization’s services include Export Credit Insurance, Raw material Financing, Factoring/Discounting,  Asset Financing and their signature Business Portal (www.made-in-TnT.com).

More About FIHAV

The Havana International Fair (FIHAV) continues to be the largest and most important trade fair in the Caribbean Region. Now in its 35th year, this event is scheduled for October 30th – November 3rd 2017. As the National Trade Facilitation Organization of Trinidad and Tobago, exporTT is diligently undertaking its mandate to diversify and grow exports. The last edition of the Fair, has been the most significant one attended by Trinidad and Tobago, as the delegation was led by the Minister of Trade and Industry Senator, the Honourable Paula Gopee-Scoon. The involvement and presence of a Government Minister sent a significant message to Cubans that Trinidad and Tobago is serious about doing business in Cuba.

Trinidad and Tobago, has participated in this Fair for the past 8 years. exporTT’s role in co-ordinating the participation of the various representatives, in collaboration with the Trade Facilitation Office in Cuba (TFO) is in fulfilment of our mandate to assist in the competitive development of exports. Participation is also in keeping with exporTT’s market access activities and focuses on stimulating awareness of Trinidad and Tobago products in the Cuban market as well as globally.

The main objectives for participating in the fair are to:

  • Showcase Trinidad and Tobago’s products in the Cuban market.
  • Stimulate awareness of products already in the Cuban market and those which are likely to enter.
  • Nurture and maintain relationships between exporters and buyers developed during recent fairs.
  • Gather information on new products and product trends which can be circulated to our clients, the exporters.
  • Create awareness in the Cuban Market about Trinidad and Tobago’s exports in terms of products and services, via presentations, exhibitions and participation in relevant trade fairs.
  • Identify new contacts that can be beneficial to exporTT’s mandate.
  • Receive first-hand information about the business opportunities offered by the Special Development Zone and Container Terminal in Mariel.

Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) was represented by a total of ninety-five (95) participants from diverse sectors of the economy including exporters, professional visitors, government officials, importers and energy sector representatives.

Attendance, has helped to build a closer relationship with the Cuban Chamber and buyers in the market. Continued attendance will ensure that these relationships are maintained so that any opportunities which may arise can be grasped. Successes from continued effort in this market are being recognised with a number of large exporters entering and exporting consistently.

exporTT remains committed to assisting these and other exporters in accessing the Cuban market by providing trade information, co-ordination of B2B meetings, participation in Trade Fairs and other in-market support activities.

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