T&T exporters head to the Dominican Republic

T&T exporters head to the Dominican Republic

The month of May commenced with a bang in the exporting world as Senator the Honourable, Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister of Trade and Industry leads another Trade delegation this time to the Dominican Republic. This Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) led mission is supported financially through the Export Booster Initiative (EBI) and staff of exporTT. The delegation sees exporTT’s General Manager Client Services, Dhanraj Harrypersad along with Senior Export Advisor, Judi-Marie Rocke accompanying the new TTMA President, Mr. Roger Roach and CEO, Dr. Ramesh Ramdeen.

A total of fifteen (15) manufacturers will be attending along with EXIMBANK. This Mission promises to resolve some of the key issues affecting trade in the market and also identify strong opportunities which can improve exports. The exporTT team will also use the opportunity to deepen relationships with the participants and identify key areas of support from exporTT required.

Exporters on this mission:

  1. National Canners Limited
  2. Associated Brands Industries Limited
  3. DSB Marketing Ltd.
  4. Langston Roach Industries Limited
  5. Micro Milling Limited
  6. Christle Limited
  7. Air Liquide
  8. Rojan Marketing Ltd.
  9. Massy Gas Products (Trinidad) Ltd.
  10. Premier Label Company Limited
  11. Lazuri Apparel Limited
  12. Pepe’s Marketing Ltd.
  13. RHS Marketing Limited
  14. HADCO Group
  15. VEMCO

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