ALES - Latin American Association of Services Exporters, International Conference

ALES - Latin American Association of Services Exporters, International Conference

The Latin American Association of Services Exporters is an international organisation whose objective is to promote Latin America as a knowledge exporter region and outsourcing destination.

In recent years, international trade in services has grown substantially. This phenomenon gives developing countries the opportunity to improve their international position and achieve sustainable economic growth. Latin America is an emerging global services hub. To support the region, is essential to provide clear information and encourage its international promotion.

Since 2008, ALES has lead the generation of synergies to develop tools that promote Latin America in the global services market. In 2014, the Regional Information System was launched. This system covers both the relevant information for investors decision-making, as well as statistics and rules on trade in services.

For more information contact:

Deborah Hoyte-Redman

Deborah Hoyte-Redman

Business Advisor – Services

Office: 1(868)612-3988

Mobile: 1(868)729-0109


Tasked with enabling service providers in target sectors, to achieve export readiness and become more internationally competitive Services Exporters. She keeps close contact with Services focused State Agencies and members of the Export Support Network to ensure a seamless client development process.

Take a look at the brochure below Agenda ALES VIII Convención ENG S-Speakers




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