Exporters get down to basics!

Exporters get down to basics!

There has been an overwhelming response from New and Potential Exporters in the Export Basics programme this year. So much so, that a second day (Jan 31st) was added to our roster to accommodate spillover registrants from the originally scheduled day (Jan 23rd). This is exciting news for exports as Cottage, Food and Beverage Producers are seeing the value in export as a viable next step on their business development trajectory.

Potential Exporters were greeted by CEO, Dietrich Guichard who welcomed them to EXPORT HOUSE and charged them with a mission, “You are the pioneers of the diversification thrust for the economy!”

exporTT Officers followed his lead and took the time along with Coach Bengo to walk potential exporters through the paces of what is required to begin exporting. The expectation is great as exporTT plans to convert these manufactures into exporters in the shortest time possible. #exporttcreatingaworldofopportunities #trade #creatingnewexporters

A visibly intrigued audience were totally engaged in the day’s proceedings which ended with a mini show of company products. TAKE A LOOK at some of the companies gearing up for an export revolution! #ExportBasics

If you have missed these introductory courses that opened the World of Export for 2018, never fear. They come around again later this year! If you are certain your product or service is a global sensation in the making, CALL US TODAY – 623 5507 – and discover your path to #GoExport. ASK about our other #ExportDevelopment programmes!

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