Tobago Exporters GET READY to Export

Tobago Exporters GET READY to Export

Minister Gopee-Scoon and Assemblyman Jack, speak highly of the export potential of companies (CLICK TO VIEW) in Cohort 1 of the Export Development Programme in Tobago! exporTT and the Tobago House of Assembly are bridging the gap. We are pumped as this has been a long time coming!

With a wide range of unique and #exotic foods and beverages, sensational #craft, personal care and household products, we see the immense export potential of #Tobago producers and manufacturers! Today we snapshot another frame for global competitiveness as we launch our “Export Development Program in Tobago” This is the beginning of a series of activities geared to increase the visibility, competence and capacity of Tobago companies #CreatingaWorldofOpportunities

This weekend, Tobago producers and manufacturers learned how to protect their goods and services! #Innovative niche market, exporting opportunities abound in this little island of Tobago! exporTT is offering a range of Training interventions designed to expose organisations to the art of #global #competitiveness. This is only the beginning of what promises to be an intense 12 months of capacity building activities with the most fundamental. #IP #IntellectualProperty

This is just the beginning. If you have not yet met with out amazing team in Tobago, SEE CONTACT INFORMATION HERE. (More below)

See below Minister of Trade and Industry walking the floor with Assemblyman Joel Jack Deputy Chief Secretary and Secretary of Finance and Economy, Permanent Secretary, Norris Herbert and members of the exporTT executive team, CEO Dietrich Guichard and Director Cyril Collier.

This could be you. Tobago ARE YOU READY?

You can see many of these manufacturers and producers at #MadeInTnT! TAKE A LOOK at these activities COMING SOON.

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